Saturday, 24 December 2011

T'was The Night before Christmas...

Good Christmas Eve to you all! I can not believe it is actually here.All the hustle and bustle, all the shopping and planning, the wrapping, the decorating, the baking...PHEW! `No wonder as adults December flies by!

I know today everyone is busy with last minute details and possibly running those last minute panic trips to the mall. Family traveling, schedules to accommodate...excited children..but I hope you all have a chance to catch your breath at some point today, sit quietly with some yummy treats and a Christmas toddy while enjoying your tree lights flickering.

My favorite time is after everyone has gone to bed and the gifts are all set out and I'm sitting on the couch with my husband just quietly enjoying our tree. He usually has some Christmas carols playing and the house is dark and everything is quiet. The dogs are snoring at my feet, and the occasional giggle is still  heard from the kids rooms. It is just so nice to have the calm and beauty of the season for that moment after the hustle and  harriedness of the month.

So my wish for you this day is for serenity and peace, for a quiet stolen moment under the mistletoe with that special someone and for love and a joy filled holiday. Merry Christmas to all my internet friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. eeewwwwww!!!! That's pretty schmaltzy!!! lol Are you sure my friend and neighbor wrote this??? Been dipping into the nog?
