Happy weekend my friends and family! Hard to believe we are down to the last quarter of 2015. It's true when they say the older you get, the faster time seems to go.
The leaves are beautiful and the air is crisp now. The weather man has even uttered the nasty 's' word! For crying out loud... I just convinced my husband to take out the last air-conditioned from the bedroom today! I am not ready for Fall.... or... **SNOW** But, alas, as is normal in my world, it just is beyond my control and doesn't matter if I'm ready or not. Life goes on and I'm swept along with the consequences of my situation.
I have been discussing this with several people recently. That loss of control despite preparing for whatever we think is going to happen. We set up schedules, rides, have a friend or family member as back up... but then 'life happens'.
Maybe the situation came unexpectedly, and no matter how prepared, there was no way of really being ready. Maybe your friends couldn't handle the extra 'mile' you needed, or your family had other obligations.
Sometimes when 'life happens' and it seems like a horrible thing, it can actually be a silver lining. Those fairweather friends show thier true colors, but those near and dear shine bright like a beacon.
These life events teach us so much, and with that comes wisdom and compassion. What was once an overwhelming life event that your family and friends loved and supported you through may one day give you the opportunity to open your arms and heart to someone when 'life happens' to them,because we all know it will no matter how much we try to prepare for it.
Try to keep a soft heart after these situations because no matter what you will be hurt. Don't let that stop you from sharing and helping later on. A few false friends or busy people shouldn't mold you. Maybe 'life' is happening to them at the same time and we just don't see it because we are busy looking at our 'slice of life'.
Above all, speak the truth, but do it not to harm. Be open to people and what they offer you. Try to be slow to judge. And most of all... Life is going to happen... Just try and enjoy it! (told you I was thinking too much! Ha!)
Everyone loves to sit at a kitchen table with friends & a warm cup of tea. We share stories, advice, laughter & tears. My goal here is to make this our kitchen table. A place to pull up a chair, grab your favorite mug & make some friends. Lets share experiences & advice and help one another by making life a little easier and more pleasant. Welcome to my kitchen table!
Saturday, 3 October 2015
Monday, 10 August 2015
Count Down Is On!
What a difference a few weeks can make! I hope everyone is enjoying the warm summer weather, the frosty drinks and the beautiful starry nights.
I'm looking out my window and already my trees are showing signs of late summer. The bright green leaves have long gone and been replaced with ripening berries on the branches. The quick surge of growth from the warm Spring sun has been replaced by tired blooms and slowed growth. I can hardly believe it is already well into August!
It's been an exciting Spring and Summer for us. The anticipation of half my family moving down the street from me made time seem to stand still yet race forward because I was having lots of fun having my little sister live with us before her family could be here.
Then my youngest graduated from high school (where did THAT time go?!) and we had a home full of family visiting to cheer my son on for his success in this chapter of his life. Shortly after that wonderful celebration I got sick and it seems like just now I am recouping enough that I have energy to enjoy the rest of the summer! Weeee!
So... to 'celebrate' me being well (yaaa.. let's use that excuse!) my hubby found me a new toy! A fun Jeep to run around in. It's not brand new, but it's paid for and that makes
it the best kind of vehicle to have! My dogs already approve and my youngest is demanding to learn how to drive shift so he can drive the Jeep! Ha! Until he figures it out, I'm safe! It's all mine!
So as the weeks tick down to the end of summer and the beginning of the next school year (and I know many excited parents anticipating that day!) enjoy the evening fire pits, toasted marshmallows
and yes... even the million hotdogs you probably have consumed by now! Ha! All to soon we will be longing for these glorious warm lazy summer days.
Enjoy the count down! It's going way to fast for me!
I'm looking out my window and already my trees are showing signs of late summer. The bright green leaves have long gone and been replaced with ripening berries on the branches. The quick surge of growth from the warm Spring sun has been replaced by tired blooms and slowed growth. I can hardly believe it is already well into August!
It's been an exciting Spring and Summer for us. The anticipation of half my family moving down the street from me made time seem to stand still yet race forward because I was having lots of fun having my little sister live with us before her family could be here.
Then my youngest graduated from high school (where did THAT time go?!) and we had a home full of family visiting to cheer my son on for his success in this chapter of his life. Shortly after that wonderful celebration I got sick and it seems like just now I am recouping enough that I have energy to enjoy the rest of the summer! Weeee!
So... to 'celebrate' me being well (yaaa.. let's use that excuse!) my hubby found me a new toy! A fun Jeep to run around in. It's not brand new, but it's paid for and that makes
it the best kind of vehicle to have! My dogs already approve and my youngest is demanding to learn how to drive shift so he can drive the Jeep! Ha! Until he figures it out, I'm safe! It's all mine!
So as the weeks tick down to the end of summer and the beginning of the next school year (and I know many excited parents anticipating that day!) enjoy the evening fire pits, toasted marshmallows
and yes... even the million hotdogs you probably have consumed by now! Ha! All to soon we will be longing for these glorious warm lazy summer days.
Enjoy the count down! It's going way to fast for me!
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Thank You For Being My Friend...
Good sunny afternoon my friends and family! I hope you are all enjoying these fleeting carefree summer days. All too soon the heat we are grumbling about now will be replaced with frosty mornings and busy schedules! So! Grab a frosty mug of something cold, put that lawn chair in the shade and let's chat.
Well today is going to be kind of a rant/"what's your opinion? " kind of blog. I've been sick since May, and because of that I have had the 'pleasure' of spending many hours sitting in the ER waiting room or in a hospital bed. Other times I'm enjoying the company of other people requiring the expertise of the nursing staff as we all line up for iv medications for varying ailments. (by the way... nurses are saints! This is not a pick on nurses blog.. EVER!)
During all this quality hospital time I noticed that patients all kind of bond with each other as we started seeing each other day after day. At first it's, "So, what brings you here?"... Then someone eavesdropping a couple chairs down has to top your illness with something cool like a black widow spider bite! (true story! Really gross!) Ha! Pretty soon you all have cell phones out sharing pictures and Facebook pages and you feel like wow! I've really hit it off with someone who gets me! I've made a friend!
Now.... here's where my rant is about to kick in because while I was also in the hospital I also had several conversations with people who were terribly upset by their 'friends'... some they had even know since childhood. These were people who knew each other's deepest darkest secrets and now they were having these terrible arguments while they were in the hospital and needed each other the most.
Lots of people felt very isolated from
family and friends. People who they felt should have been the most supportive and understanding were suddenly 'too busy' to talk or drop by. Some family members were challenging the 'reality' of the suffering the patient was complaining about or the reality of the actual diagnosis.
I don't get it. Why is a friendship based on good times? We all have valleys in life and rest assured you will be much happier to know that the people who you have over for backyard BBQs and sit and watch movies with or share neighborhood gossip with will also be the people who will be there to hug you and sit and listen when life has you down.
Why are we sitting alone in hospitals sharing our fears and pain with total strangers? Why are our nearest and dearest too busy... too tired of us and our situation... What needs to change? I know we need to educate each other... patient and friends... be honest... talk to each other. Not behind each other's backs. It's not easy, but hurting each other is harder. One awkward conversation being open can save a relationship and who knows... Maybe next time we meet at the hospital, you won't be sitting talking to me... You'll be laughing with your bestie!
As a closing note, before my hubby reads this and has hurt feelings, I have to say I am extremely lucky as he usually drives me and stays with me as often as he is able to. He also listens to me whine and complain but we also have learned that every opportunity that I am well we are out the door and enjoying each other's company. He puts up with my goofiness and hands me a tissue when I'm teary. He really is my best friend. SHMILY
I'd love to hear from you all about how you get through the good and bad days. Leave a comment or email me! Enjoy your day and treasure your special family and friends!
Well today is going to be kind of a rant/"what's your opinion? " kind of blog. I've been sick since May, and because of that I have had the 'pleasure' of spending many hours sitting in the ER waiting room or in a hospital bed. Other times I'm enjoying the company of other people requiring the expertise of the nursing staff as we all line up for iv medications for varying ailments. (by the way... nurses are saints! This is not a pick on nurses blog.. EVER!)
During all this quality hospital time I noticed that patients all kind of bond with each other as we started seeing each other day after day. At first it's, "So, what brings you here?"... Then someone eavesdropping a couple chairs down has to top your illness with something cool like a black widow spider bite! (true story! Really gross!) Ha! Pretty soon you all have cell phones out sharing pictures and Facebook pages and you feel like wow! I've really hit it off with someone who gets me! I've made a friend!
Now.... here's where my rant is about to kick in because while I was also in the hospital I also had several conversations with people who were terribly upset by their 'friends'... some they had even know since childhood. These were people who knew each other's deepest darkest secrets and now they were having these terrible arguments while they were in the hospital and needed each other the most.
Lots of people felt very isolated from
family and friends. People who they felt should have been the most supportive and understanding were suddenly 'too busy' to talk or drop by. Some family members were challenging the 'reality' of the suffering the patient was complaining about or the reality of the actual diagnosis.
I don't get it. Why is a friendship based on good times? We all have valleys in life and rest assured you will be much happier to know that the people who you have over for backyard BBQs and sit and watch movies with or share neighborhood gossip with will also be the people who will be there to hug you and sit and listen when life has you down.
Why are we sitting alone in hospitals sharing our fears and pain with total strangers? Why are our nearest and dearest too busy... too tired of us and our situation... What needs to change? I know we need to educate each other... patient and friends... be honest... talk to each other. Not behind each other's backs. It's not easy, but hurting each other is harder. One awkward conversation being open can save a relationship and who knows... Maybe next time we meet at the hospital, you won't be sitting talking to me... You'll be laughing with your bestie!
As a closing note, before my hubby reads this and has hurt feelings, I have to say I am extremely lucky as he usually drives me and stays with me as often as he is able to. He also listens to me whine and complain but we also have learned that every opportunity that I am well we are out the door and enjoying each other's company. He puts up with my goofiness and hands me a tissue when I'm teary. He really is my best friend. SHMILY
I'd love to hear from you all about how you get through the good and bad days. Leave a comment or email me! Enjoy your day and treasure your special family and friends!
Saturday, 11 July 2015
Next Chapter
Good afternoon my friends and family! I know! It's been a while. I must admit to a few things before we begin... writers block for sure was number one on my list! I kept thinking how totally uneventful my life has been... I've kind of reached a period of time in my life where my children are old enough to care for themselves & are gone all day (and some nights!) and my husband is busy working at a very demanding job that keeps him hopping.
Also, I've spent most of the summer recovering from a bad infection so I have not had the energy to do... well... anything. My doggie nurse maids keep me company and I find myself sleeping a lot!! So my pool of writing material has been rather low needless to say!
But as I was laying here this morning bemoaning another slow moving start to my day, it also dawned on me that today is the official count down to when my sister goes back home to pick up our mom and her family, 2 u-hauls, 2 cats, tent trailer and what ever else manages to hitch hike back with them!
So no more empty nest! No more 'all the kids are grown & gone'! I get the blessing of enjoying a' do over' with my niece and nephews. Back to cheering on sporting events, sitting in concerts and school plays. Back to little cuddles and goodnight kisses with the added perk of sending them home! Hehehe!
So looking forward to having the writer's block gone with the entertainment of this new pool of 'victims'! Small children and stressed out adults always offer some writing value. (insert evil laugh here!)
Being an Auntie is awesome! 9 more sleeps! Drive those U-hauls like you stole them guys!
Also, I've spent most of the summer recovering from a bad infection so I have not had the energy to do... well... anything. My doggie nurse maids keep me company and I find myself sleeping a lot!! So my pool of writing material has been rather low needless to say!
But as I was laying here this morning bemoaning another slow moving start to my day, it also dawned on me that today is the official count down to when my sister goes back home to pick up our mom and her family, 2 u-hauls, 2 cats, tent trailer and what ever else manages to hitch hike back with them!
So no more empty nest! No more 'all the kids are grown & gone'! I get the blessing of enjoying a' do over' with my niece and nephews. Back to cheering on sporting events, sitting in concerts and school plays. Back to little cuddles and goodnight kisses with the added perk of sending them home! Hehehe!
So looking forward to having the writer's block gone with the entertainment of this new pool of 'victims'! Small children and stressed out adults always offer some writing value. (insert evil laugh here!)
Being an Auntie is awesome! 9 more sleeps! Drive those U-hauls like you stole them guys!
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
New Chapters...
Wow! Spring! OK... I think I've been on a bit of a hiatus... My life just seemed to stop and not really seem to be that 'blog' worthy I guess. But, with the change in season, it seems that I am looking at a change in life too. So... grab that warm mug and grab a chair and let's catch up!
So first I should clarify, these life changes are happening to family around me and these changes are pleasantly enhancing my world.
My youngest sister and her family along with my mom with be all moving to my neck of the woods by mid July! I am so very excited to have some of my family near me. What fun it will be to finally be a full time Auntie!
Also hitting a major life milestone is my youngest son. He is graduating high school this year and that officially is my last one through early education. Now the world is at his feet and like most young people his age he has countless dreams but no real plans. Lucky for him he is #3 and we don't worry so much like we did with #1. They figure it out.
I can't believe I just celebrated another birthday... Bringing the mid century mark that much closer too. It's still a few years away (phewwww) but not as far as I would like it to be! I look at pictures of old friends from high school and think... Wow! I hope I don't look that old! And then another scarey thought pops into my head.. the people I went to high school with now run the government. Haha!
How exciting these next few months will be as my sister and her family settle in to their new home and my mom settles into hers. We are all within a short walk of each other so it's very exciting!
My 3 young men are all stepping up into new life stages. Finishing college, starting careers, finding themselves... such an exciting and intimidating time of life, but hopefully they enjoy it all!
Hope this finds all my friends & family far and wide happy and well! Enjoying new chapters in your life, small and large!

So first I should clarify, these life changes are happening to family around me and these changes are pleasantly enhancing my world.
My youngest sister and her family along with my mom with be all moving to my neck of the woods by mid July! I am so very excited to have some of my family near me. What fun it will be to finally be a full time Auntie!
Also hitting a major life milestone is my youngest son. He is graduating high school this year and that officially is my last one through early education. Now the world is at his feet and like most young people his age he has countless dreams but no real plans. Lucky for him he is #3 and we don't worry so much like we did with #1. They figure it out.
I can't believe I just celebrated another birthday... Bringing the mid century mark that much closer too. It's still a few years away (phewwww) but not as far as I would like it to be! I look at pictures of old friends from high school and think... Wow! I hope I don't look that old! And then another scarey thought pops into my head.. the people I went to high school with now run the government. Haha!
How exciting these next few months will be as my sister and her family settle in to their new home and my mom settles into hers. We are all within a short walk of each other so it's very exciting!
My 3 young men are all stepping up into new life stages. Finishing college, starting careers, finding themselves... such an exciting and intimidating time of life, but hopefully they enjoy it all!
Hope this finds all my friends & family far and wide happy and well! Enjoying new chapters in your life, small and large!

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