Sunday, 23 October 2011


Hi! And welcome everyone to my first post! Hope you have your warm tea and your favorite spot at the table. I'm very excited to have you join me as we start this new journey in my life.

 I've been pondering with myself how best to start this. What topics to chew over? What stories to share? How much 'advice' to dole out? (Ha!) And after much deliberation I came to the grand conclusion that we don't usually 'plan' a chit chat around friends, they just happen. Questions are posed, debates spring up,advice is shared. There is usually lots of laughter, sometimes tears, but at the foundation of it all is a friendship bond that connects us all.

Its always exciting to begin something new! I find it ironic to begin something new this time of year. Its not Spring where we anxiously anticipate new leaves and flowers to peek through the snow. Its not September when kids (and yes adults too!) are squirming in new classrooms with freshly sharpened pencils and brand new notebooks.(ok..who am I laptops and cell phones!! Ha!) And its not Jan 1 of a new year. That time of year of  resolutions and lofty goals.  Nope, I jumped into this at the end of October. Most of the leaves are gone, the air is definitely crispy and the kids are settled into a school routine. Yes, very definitely not a 'start something new' time of year. But then I thought, what the heck!

My house is usually a very busy bustling place to be. A husband, 3 teen boys, their girlfriends, and all their friends. Add 3 dogs to the mix, a few great neighbors dropping in and you kind of get an idea of the organized chaos I call my life. I've had the privilege of being a stay at home mom, and for a few crazy years even home schooled my boys. 

So there you go! My first post! That was actually fun and painless...heehee! I'm very excited to have started this journey and  I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am looking forward to having you all join me at my kitchen table. Now I think I need another mug of tea.

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