The year has literally flown by in a blink of an eye! As I sit here writing this I am staring out my window at my backyard and can see the beautiful trees changing color and I am stunned that it is already Fall.

Geese are honking over head, practicing for their flight South soon. Last weekend I had the wonderful opportunity of spending Thanksgiving with most of my family out East. My nieces and nephews there are growing so fast and are such a blast to be with! I keep telling my sisters to enjoy this period of time in their lives (as the baby throws up on one sister and my other sister has to break up the kids who are fighting in the other room! Ha!).

This Fall marks the final year I have a 'child' in high school. My baby boy will be graduating and all my young men will be working on that age old question... 'What do I want to be when I grow up?'... also know as the "how long can I live at mom & dad's now before they get annoyed and demand rent??" My oldest is 22 and has figured it out. As long as he's a perpetual student, he's safe! Ha! Everyone cross your fingers that the 2 younger ones don't follow suit! Heehee!
Each chapter of our lives seems so intense and 'forever' when we are in the moment. Pregnancy seems like the longest 40 weeks EVER! Then all of a sudden here's this beautiful child in your arms. That seems never ever to want to sleep! Or be potty trained. Then all of a sudden he's starting his final year of high school and you think.. Whoa! Did I blink?
I look over my shoulder and see my mom with her seemingly endless supply of energy. Mentally I know she's getting older... but I'm not ready to turn that page yet too. I love her the way she is.

Fall is so beautiful. The crisp cool air, the gorgeous colors, the anticipation of warm evenings by a fire. Time to turn the page on the next chapter of the year.

Glad to be back! Missed chatting with you all! Enjoy those warm toddies at the football games and hope it doesn't snow before the kiddies go trick or treating at the end of the month...