Good morning everyone! I can only imagine your thoughts of where I have disappeared to this past while. I can assure you all that while there were many days I struggled through, I am still here kicking and screaming (OK... kicking maybe slightly exaggerated? Haha!) and ready to share my wit and wisdom once more to all who wish to listen! So my dear friends, grab a steaming mug of tea(or coffee... or hot chocolate! Yum) and let's get reacquainted.

Summer was crazy busy for us even though we stayed home. And when I say 'we' I mean my husband & myself. The kids have all reached that magical age where they are just 'gone'. The oldest 2 would have plans on the weekends and be 'gone'. Camping with friends, parties, or suddenly they are all at our home and the house is over run with young men & women eating our food and taking over our house and backyard (because they always need to use the firepit for the party! Duh mom!) and just as suddenly as they all show up they all leave and the house is quiet again because they are all 'gone'.
The youngest was at Air Cadet camp for 6 weeks so during the week when the 2 older ones and my husband were working the house was very quiet. And now this new transition of 'gone' on the weekends to work through... Hmmm.
Now I know my mother is reading this and thinking "Oh good grief! Enjoy! You're free!". And she's right! But I keep thinking wow... how did this happen? And how did it happen without any warning? Wasn't it just last month I was chasing little boys around?
Well, as I sat around contemplating the quietness I realized I was definitely suffering from a case of 'empty nest syndrome'. (oh dear.. my poor mom is just shaking her head and thinking, silly girl!) So... instead of gracefully adjusting to this next stage of life, I did the next most brilliant thing I could think of... I got a puppy!

Seems logical! Right? Ha! Well... this little guy has brought a whole lot of crazy back into our lives. At almost 5 months old he is a solid 25lbs of clumsy puppy love. He bowls straight into you like an enthusiastic furry tank with a wet tongue and making happy little 'oinking' sounds.

So now it seems I have staved off the empty nest syndrome for a while longer... I may not be chasing my little boys anymore who are growing in to wonderful young men, but I am definitely chasing boys (and a girl) again! I just traded in for some furry barking children! And I'm enjoying every minute of it!

Summer was crazy busy for us even though we stayed home. And when I say 'we' I mean my husband & myself. The kids have all reached that magical age where they are just 'gone'. The oldest 2 would have plans on the weekends and be 'gone'. Camping with friends, parties, or suddenly they are all at our home and the house is over run with young men & women eating our food and taking over our house and backyard (because they always need to use the firepit for the party! Duh mom!) and just as suddenly as they all show up they all leave and the house is quiet again because they are all 'gone'.
The youngest was at Air Cadet camp for 6 weeks so during the week when the 2 older ones and my husband were working the house was very quiet. And now this new transition of 'gone' on the weekends to work through... Hmmm.
Now I know my mother is reading this and thinking "Oh good grief! Enjoy! You're free!". And she's right! But I keep thinking wow... how did this happen? And how did it happen without any warning? Wasn't it just last month I was chasing little boys around?
Well, as I sat around contemplating the quietness I realized I was definitely suffering from a case of 'empty nest syndrome'. (oh dear.. my poor mom is just shaking her head and thinking, silly girl!) So... instead of gracefully adjusting to this next stage of life, I did the next most brilliant thing I could think of... I got a puppy!

Seems logical! Right? Ha! Well... this little guy has brought a whole lot of crazy back into our lives. At almost 5 months old he is a solid 25lbs of clumsy puppy love. He bowls straight into you like an enthusiastic furry tank with a wet tongue and making happy little 'oinking' sounds.

So now it seems I have staved off the empty nest syndrome for a while longer... I may not be chasing my little boys anymore who are growing in to wonderful young men, but I am definitely chasing boys (and a girl) again! I just traded in for some furry barking children! And I'm enjoying every minute of it!

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