I love this time of year. Everything is so pretty. Kids are all settled back in school so the house is nice and quiet. Its kind of like the calm before the storm.
"Storm?" You ask?
Well...I kind of pause and look at it this way. Most of the year has flown by. Our family has had losses and had fabulous additions. We planned and enjoyed our first road trip of such grand proportions. 2012 has flown by very quickly so far.

So for right now, I am enjoying the beauty around me. The pretty coloured trees, the crunch of the laves under foot and the cool Fall nights. We will chat next week after the craziness has started!
Hope your weekend is filled with jumping in leaf piles, some warm cider and maybe some friends gathered around around a fire pit. Remember...this is the calm before the storm!!
Enjoy this weekend!
weeeellll... I'm camping with 105 kids this weekend rain or shine. STORM!!! lol. Ah ya gotta get involved, or ...well, or..keep your sanity??...nah...GET INVOLVED =)