I guess I should back up a little bit so you all understand the irony of the situation of 'enjoying' the view from my room. Our family does not live in a fancy home nor do we live out in the country where we can see deer feeding in the meadow and cardinals dancing in the trees.
No...we live in a small but comfortable home in town. I have 4 huge pine trees in my backyard that my husband and his buddy keep teasing me should come down so that they can build a garage. A couple of sheds, a wonderful deck and a fire pit finish off our small piece of 'heaven'.

Here it is, Dec 18, and I think I've been able to attend to my 'Christmas events & chores' list about 5 times this month. I remember baking batches of cookies and shopping endlessly. Attending children's pageants, work parties, mailing Christmas cards and hardly breaking a sweat! Now, all I have accomplished is 2 batches of cookies and lots of online shopping. I was also privileged to be invited to and able to attend 2 parties. And the 'icing on my Christmas cookie' was being able to help my husband host an evening with some friends.
So here I am...a week before Christmas...stuck in bed staring out my window. Crossing my fingers that UPS will bring my parcels here on time. I can't stress because it's out of my control. But I do realize how very blessed I am as my boys help me with out complaint and my husband curls upstairs with me and keeps me company even though he has other things to do. And I am very grateful for the very beautiful view out my bedroom window.
Hoping you are all having a healthy and stress free week before Santa makes his big arrival!! Enjoy your hot chocolate and take time to enjoy the view out your window.
Michelle, we enjoyed that evening a lot. Thanks for opening your home to us!