My youngest just returned from a 9 day trip to Victoria, B.C. with his Air Cadet Troop. Wow! The things he was able to see and able to do was amazing! He rode a Ferry, went in a light house, boarded a navel was a whirlwind trip. My young man came back home full of new life experiences.
Matt hugging a Red Wood Tree |
Speaking of visits out East and next visit will involve welcoming a new niece or nephew for my brother and sister in law this Fall. Another little bundle to love and hold and cuddle! It was such a wonderful phone call when we received the news!!! I can hardly wait to meet the newest member of our growing family. ( I wonder if we should have a post on wives tales about pregnancy and babies? hmmm)
2012 has certainly been a year of change for myself and my family. While most of the changes have been wonderful and exciting, I have just one sad change to share. This past week we had to make the very difficult decision to put my very best and loyal companion of 13.5 years down. The house just doesn't seem the same with out my friend pattering beside me and truck rides are definitely not the same without her sitting 'shot gun'. I miss her less then feminine snore at night and her excited face when I would get home from anywhere. But most of all I just miss my girl.
So that, my friends, has been my exciting and eventful week of changes. Not all the changes have been great, but all have been life changing. All have been cause for celebrations...stories told, moments recalled and shared, tears cried & hugs given (thanks Bestie). Each of these changes were shared with loved ones. All the exciting moments with sweat and boxes (gee sorry we missed the move guys...) and celebrations with friends for my mom! Each of these changes (and more to come in the months to follow I'm sure) will set new and exciting moments and stories and friendships into motion.
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change -”
Wow! What a week! I think I need more then a warm cup of something this week! Ha!!
Nala 1998-2012 |
Mickiee what a lovely and well written post! I too approach RA from a positive place and I see that we have something in common other than RA! I am the proud mother of three sons as well. They and my wonderful husband of 35 years keep me upbeat and are truly my support team. I look forward to reading more of your post and I LOVE TEA! I would welcome your thoughts on my blog as well. Nan