Good morning everyone! I am hoping that the longer days and warmer spring sunshine are touching that weary winter soul within you and renewing it with the freshness of a new season upon us.
Who knew that seeing a few patches of dry brown grass would excite me as much as it has this year! Every morning I check out my window to see the progress the warmth of the sunshine has had on the old hard dirty snow. My front garden is where I have the brave little crocuses pop up as soon as they possibly can, so I check every day to see if there is any signs of their brave little spikes.
My fingers just itch walking into hardware stores... Seeds... New planters... New bird feeders.. Bird baths... Solar lights... Stain for the deck.. Paint for the door... Ahhhhh! To be outside and enjoy the birdsong and fresh air. Long walks with my dogs and watch them run and chase dandelion fluffy and grasshoppers. I know! I'm getting ahead of myself... But I saw those patches of brown grass!
Those patches hold such promise to us. We survived another hard winter! We have the promise of those wonderful warm days ahead. Those lazy days bring neighbours and friends out of their winter hiding and gather around BBQ's and fire pits & pool parties.
It's funny the things that inspire us! May you find your patch of brown grass today and be excited for what tomorrow brings! Old Man Winter is almost done! Long live the power of the brown grass! Ha!